Horizon Blades


Also known in common superstition as the Blades of the Black Sun, Horizon Blades are magical weapons formed utilizing Velandra's singularity spheres. Depending on the exact nature of the weapon, different magically-conductive cores are fashioned, then the singularity sphere is 'fused' into it. By pinching the outpouring energy, the radically unstable event horizon tightens to a thin, blade-like edge. Thus the moniker 'horizon', as the roiling magic power appears like the horizon during a new dawn.   Whether as swords, daggers, spears, or otherwise, the Horizon Blades represent an incredible breakthrough in magical weaponry in Nerzin. There is no known mundane material capable of stopping them--they cut through as if nothing at all stands in their way. Enchanted materials, however, are capable of vastly restricting their destructive power to something far more manageable. Against such things, they are better suited than most normal weapons, but their performance starts to quickly fall in line with other magic weapons. A lopsided situation unfolds, in that they are ideal weapons against mundane enemies, but may not suffice for magically gifted or enchanted ones. Doubly so for wind aspected opponents, which are the best for repelling a Horizon Blade.   Born from Velandra's continual quest for transcendence, Horizon Blades are among the few successful attempts at utilizing her magic externally. As each and every one of the weapons is built around a singularity sphere, they are inextricably linked to Velandra herself. In this light, she arms her personal guard and that of her immense city-fortress, the Heavenly Palace, with them. Their unbelievable results against most targets has made many weary of ever directly attacking the Heavenly Palace as a result. Unless one is confident in disabling the defenders completely, destruction is something that will swiftly follow. This is no simple task, given Velandra's armed forces comprise of fanatically dedicated and competently trained guards.   While the cost of creating the weapons is not unmanageable, Velandra is extremely weary of letting them proliferate at all. Only persons proving of devotion to her and her cause are granted them as a result. This tends to serve a dual purpose as a symbol of rank and status--to be allowed the usage of the sovereign's weapons is empirically important. Very few of them can be found outside her palace as a result, but there are some lurking in the private vaults of highly influential people within Nerzin. Whether stolen or given, they themselves are not utilized lest Velandra cut off the power link and render the whole weapon inert. These external weapons are highly coveted as many scholars want them to study Velandra's magic better for themselves.   There is some academic debate if they should be called 'blades', as they do not actually cut. Whatever makes contact with the horizon of the singularity is rapidly disintegrated by intense, laser-focused energy release. As a safety precaution, there are impact-based shields around this blade to prevent accidental contact. By slamming the blade into the target, the shields are pushed back by the impact, exposing the deadly power and letting it do its job. In this respect it is more of a clubbed weapon, but some do have manually controlled shields that are operated in the handles.


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